Frequent questions

icona ticket online

Online booking

You can change the time and date at any time by calling us on 081294980. It’s also possible to request a refund within 24 hours in advance.

It’s not essential but recommended. By purchasing your ticket online you can skip the line.

icona museo

Visit planning

Listening to the entire audio guide, the tour lasts about 1 hour, but you can decide how much to listen to, and how long your visit will last.

From 1 May 2022, a green pass and respiratory protection devices are no longer required. However, the use of a face covering is recommended

The ampoules come out 3 times a year for the miracle of liquefaction:

the Saturday preceding the first Sunday in May, September 19th (the ampoules remain on display for a week) and December 16th (the ampoules remain on display for 1 day)

Unfortunately barriers currently do not allow for access to the museum, only to the Chapel.

Yes. The shop is located inside the Museum ticket office and inside the Treasury Chapel.

The FAQs are constantly updated, to offer useful and timely information to all our visitors. If your question is not listed, please help us improve this page and write to us for any other information at info@tesorosangennaro.it