Who is devoted to San Gennaro? The new permanent video installation of the Treasure of San Gennaro

Rate reduced to €6 (instead of €12 )

Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd June from 6pm to 10pm
A “selfie mirror” will be set up in the museum courtyard which will allow all visitors to become a “devotee to San Gennaro”

Who is devoted to San Gennaro? is the title of the new video installation of Treasure of San Gennaro, which from today it is possible to admire along the visit route of the museum, produced and promoted by our company, which has managed the Treasure of San Gennaro museum since 2020, and designed and built fromKaos Produzioni.

Permanently inserted in the Mitra room, the new initiative enriches the itinerary by allowing the public to immerse themselves in a special story of the different forms and signs of popular devotion and the celebrations of the saint’s miracles.

The project was born from an idea of ​​Ilaria D’Uva and Francesca Ummarino with the aim of completing the museum itinerary with a unique and contemporary experience that transmits to the visitor the emotion and energy of the three dates of the prodigy of the liquefaction of blood, the mystery of the cult, the true life of devotion, the extraordinary different religious and popular expressions of every kind of audience. The artistic direction and direction was entrusted to Stefano Gargiulo. Who is devoted to San Gennaro? is a journey through the images of symbols, faces, gestures and prayers to experience the museum in a new and contemporary way to discover that inseparable relationship between the city of Naples and its Patron Saint. To celebrate the new video installation, the Tesoro di San Gennaro offers an extraordinary opening on Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd June from 6pm to 10pm (last entry at 9pm) with entrance ticket at special rate at the reduced cost of €6 (instead of €12.). A “selfie mirror” will be set up in the courtyard of the museum which will allow all visitors to become “devoted to San Gennaro” by capturing their favorite moment to dedicate to the Patron Saint with the hashtag #chièdevotoasangennaro

Five synchronized video projections and a stereo audio system are the technological structure of the project, set up on four walls of the museum, in dialogue with the jewels symbolizing the devotion to San Gennaro, the miter and the solemn necklace:  On the front wall, two frames, which recall the shape of votive aedicules, contain the portraits of the “devotees” who address their prayers to San Gennaro, each with their own intimate relationship with the Saint. Figures of men, women and children express faith in San Gennaro, in all their human diversity and wonderful variety.

On the second front wall sequences of fragments representing the iconography of the Saint, together with the images of the solemn May procession from the Cathedral to the Basilica of Santa Chiara, between reality and fiction. On the side walls, evocative images that recreate an extraordinary and dreamlike setting and the motto in San Gennaro written by Friedrich Nietzsche: “You who broke the ice of my soul with the flaming rod, which now runs noisily towards the sea of ​​its extreme hope: ever clearer and healthier, free in the most loving of laws, therefore celebrate your miracles, beautiful Gennaro”. To enrich the project, a special tribute to Marcello Colasurdo, with the artist’s voice as he recites his words for San Gennaro, which also inspired the title of the video installation.

Who is devoted to San Gennaro?adds a new and important piece to the constant work of the museum management which continues on an innovative path with the aim of overcoming any distance between the visitor and museum spaces and to accompany the public in a deeper knowledge of the world and history of the Patron Saint.